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Presentation Title & Author | Video |
Technical Program begins: Meeting Overview - Arthur B. Weglein | |
Green’s theorem tutorial Part I: for wave field separation (separation of reference and scattered wave-fields, and for de-ghosting) - Arthur B. Weglein | |
Preprocessing in the PS space for on-shore seismic processing: removing ground roll and ghosts without damaging the reflection data - Jing Wu | |
Preprocessing in displacement space for on-shore seismic processing: removing ground roll and ghosts without damaging the reflection data - Jing Wu | |
Green’s theorem tutorial Part II: for wave field prediction: imaging conditions, one-way and two-way wave equation migration for a more effective and capable RTM (Claerbout III imaging for migrating in a volume with two way propagating waves) (Glossary of imaging conditions: in our usage, Claerbout imaging I is the exploding reflector model, Claerbout II imaging, is the space and time coincidence of up and downgoing waves, and Claerbout III refers to predicting a coincident source and receiver experiment at depth at time equals zero.) These migration methods require a velocity model. - Arthur B. Weglein |
Analysis and advances in amplitude interpretation of two way migration Claerbout II imaging (current leading edge RTM), backscatter artifacts and its removal (for example, Faqi Liu et.al.) - Qiang Fu | |
Analysis and comparison of Claerbout III imaging for one way waves( pre-stack Stolt FK migration) and its asymptotic approximation, that is, Kirchhoff migration - Yanglei Zou, Qiang Fu, Chao Ma, Jing Wu and Arthur B. Weglein | |
Analysis and comparison of Claerbout II for one way propagating waves ( current leading edge RTM) and Claerbout III migration for one way propagating waves - Yanglei Zou | |
Claerbout III imaging for structure and amplitude analysis beneath a reflector, and comparison with Claerbout II RTM - Qiang Fu | |
Claerbout III imaging for two way propagating waves provides a clear and definitive response to the role of primaries and multiples in imaging and inversion: Multiples: signal or noise? - Arthur B. Weglein | |
A clear example of using multiples to enhance seismic imaging — providing an approximate image of an unrecorded primary - Chao Ma | |
Summary of yesterday’s meeting - Arthur B. Weglein | |
Multiple attenuation: recent progress, and a plan to address open, prioritized and pressing issues and challenges - Arthur B. Weglein | |
Reviewing the historic Saudi Aramco onshore ISS internal multiple attenuation examples - Qiang Fu | |
Inverse scattering series internal multiple attenuation in an absorptive dispersive earth, without knowing, needing or estimating elastic or inelastic subsurface properties: update with pre-stack data examples - Jing Wu | |
The impact of accommodating the source radiation pattern on the inverse scattering series free-surface multiple elimination algorithm on data with interfering or proximal primaries and multiples - Jinlong Yang | |
The significance of incorporating a 3-D point source in the inverse scattering series free-surface multiple elimination algorithm for a 1-D subsurface - Xinglu Lin | |
Incorporating a 3-D point source in the inverse scattering series internal multiple attenuation algorithm for a 2-D subsurface - Xinglu Lin | |
The current challenge - Arthur B. Weglein | |
A new Inverse Scattering Series (ISS) internal-multiple-attenuation algorithm that predicts the accurate time and approximate amplitude of the first-order internal multiples and addresses spurious events: Analysis and Tests in 2D - Chao Ma | |
An internal-multiple elimination algorithm for all first-order internal multiples for a 1D earth - Yanglei Zou | |
A new criteria for adaptive subtraction - Arthur B. Weglein | |
Inverse scattering series depth imaging: direct depth imaging without a velocity model, the Marmousi model tests, and a plan for a documented code delivery this year - Fang Liu and Arthur B. Weglein | |
A direct inverse solution for AVO/FWI parameter estimation objectives - Arthur B. Weglein | |
A first comparison of the inverse scattering series non-linear inversion and the iterative linear inversion for parameter estimation - Jinlong Yang and Arthur B. Weglein | |
Summary of M-OSRP proprietary code delivery to-date and schedule of on-going code development and delivery - Jim Mayhan | |
Brief concluding remarks with thanks and appreciation to our sponsors - Arthur B. Weglein |