2015 SEG Abstracts submitted from M-OSRP
Posted on April 01, 2015
- Jing Wu and Arthur B. Weglein, “Preprocessing in displacement space for on-shore seismic processing: removing ground roll and ghosts without damaging the reflection data” (PDF)
- Jing Wu and Arthur B. Weglein, “Preprocessing in the PS space for on-shore seismic processing: removing ground roll and ghosts without damaging the reflection data” (PDF)
- Jinlong Yang and Arthur B. Weglein, “The impact of accommodating the source radiation pattern on the inverse scattering series free-surface multiple elimination algorithm” (PDF)
- Jinlong Yang and Arthur B. Weglein, “Accommodating the source wavelet and radiation pattern in the internal multiple attenuation algorithm: Theory and initial example that demonstrates impact” (PDF)
- Xinglu Lin and Arthur B. Weglein, “The significance of incorporating a 3-D point source in the inverse scattering series internal multiple attenuator for a 1-D subsurface” (PDF)
- Chao Ma and Arthur B. Weglein, “A new Inverse Scattering Series internal-multiple-attenuation algorithm that predicts the accurate time and approximate amplitude of the first-order internal multiples and addresses spurious events: Analysis and Tests in 2D” (PDF)
- Yanglei Zou and Arthur B. Weglein, “An internal-multiple elimination algorithm for all first-order internal multiples for a 1D earth” (PDF)
- Yanglei Zou and Arthur B. Weglein, “A 1D pre-stack example examining the differences in two important imaging conditions:the space-time coincidence of up and down waves and the predicted coincident source and receiver experiment at depth at time zero” (PDF)
- Fang Liu and Arthur B. Weglein, “Direct depth imaging without a velocity model: update and Marmousi model tests” (PDF)
- Arthur B. Weglein, “Multiples can be useful at times to enhance imaging, by providing an approximate image of an unrecorded primary, but its always primaries that are migrated or imaged” (PDF)
- Chao Ma and Arthur B. Weglein, “A clear example of using multiples to enhance and improve imaging” (PDF)
- Arthur B. Weglein, “A direct inverse solution for AVO/FWI parameter estimation objectives” (PDF)
- Jinlong Yang and Arthur B. Weglein, “A first comparison of the inverse scattering series non-linear inversion and the iterative linear inversion for parameter estimation” (PDF)
- Arthur B. Weglein, “Multiple removal: open issues, pressing challenges and recent progress towards providing the next and higher level of required capability” (PDF)